Monday, April 21, 2008

Driving down Mayfield Road...

Tonight I drove along Mayfield road around 10:30 p.m. and I couldn't help but notice the scenery, the smell, the wind blowing throughout my car, I couldn't help but notice that I miss what truely makes me happy. I used to think I was that high class girl, wanting to live a stressful job in the city, but the more I'm headed toward that direction, the more I start to appreciate the simple things in life. I missed that smell of summer just starting out, the smell I used to love when I played soccer, until I got badly injured. The feeling of being so hot, yet so cold, sweaty, but content. I even miss the huge misquito bites on my legs, and the feeling of being able to run for miles wihthout knowing that your still breathing. The changes in my life are now beginning to take hold of me, and the feeling is so powerful, uncontrollable, yet exciting and weird all at the same time. I'm growing into a mature women with priorities, and I love being independant, but at the same time, planning hasen't always been my thing. Music helps me make sense of the world, Taylor swift makes me see why I long for these nights...driving down Mayfield road..I know i'll be okay now.

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