Friday, April 11, 2008

The inner you can fade

Are you a student who is overworked, stressed, and with no sense of direction? I am, but I've overcome it. Many teens enter college or university with an idea of what they want, but once you get there, you tend to dig yourself into a tangled web of discouragment and uncertainty with an innocent mind forced to conquer the world. I am in a journalism program, and all I keep thinking about is stability in my life. If I'm working for a magazine, or a newspaper with high expectations and a demanding position, where does my life go? Journalism is a 24 hour, 7 day a week kind of job. Don't say it's not because it is. How do I live a stable life when the work I do is based on something unpredicatable? Many people are in this situation, and all I have to say is do what makes you happy, and do what will make you happy in the future. The saying, "live in the moment" is not something I agree with because that moment can screw up the rest of your life. One must plan to live one's life. Take a look at our world, people. Gas used to cost 85 cents, and now it's at 1.14? The job you choose must be able to support you, and you have to adapt with society. Life goes by too fast, so set goals, and keep working your way up. It's the only way to stay sane.

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